Portland-based Barton Robison is a formidable musician, a mesmerizing filmmaker, and a dear friend. In his short documentary web series, In Rainbows with Lisa Gail, Robison tells the tale of Texan Lisa Allred (stage name Gail) and her rise to Internet stardom with the hit music video, “3-Second Rule.” The saga is filled with a cast of larger-than-life personalities, including Allred’s suave vocal coach, her church friends, and her hair salon clients. It’s filled, too, with a remarkable number of rhinestones, crosses, and china cabinet knick-knacks. Robison weaves a masterful tale out of these patchwork pieces, and shares the searingly honest story of a woman who believes in herself against all odds, as well as the life-affirming power of following one’s heart.
This review originally appeared in the Austin School of Film’s recommendations blog, MIX/VHS. Check out the full post here, including reviews of Tenacious D and the “Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Happy Hour”!